Best Teenager Counseling and Coaching in Pune, Right career options, Life Coaching courses

“The teenage years are one of the most crucial stages of human development, where they begin to discover and identify themselves from others.”

During this period, young people face many physical, psychological, identity and relationship changes on their journey to adulthood. While adolescence is often stereotyped as a difficult and tumultuous time, it is important to remember that many adolescents move through this developmental stage of life respectfully and peacefully.


A career assessment is perfect for those who want to find their true calling and discover the right career options. The Personality tests analyse the personality traits of students to choose the right education and career path. The assessment output of the personality type test is an interactive report that shows the combination of personality traits, a four-letter personality code and their related strengths, challenges and recommendations.

A few factors that influence your career options are


Some struggles teenagers face are a normal part of growing up, like experimenting new ideas, dealing with peer groups, and going through changes in identity, interests, and moods. It is always important for parents and guardians to exercise a great deal of patience when dealing with them to help them to open up and say the problems they are having.
Our aim is to help young people make sense of themselves.

Counseling can help your teen with:


Teenagers can develop confidence, resolve, and the ability to take control of their future with the proper direction and encouragement. Teens are not born with the understanding that they have the power to change their life. Though their parents may try to instil confidence in them from an early age, when adolescence hits with its hormone fluctuations and physical changes, teenagers can feel like they are no longer in control. This can lead to the frustrating realization that things won’t change no matter how hard they might want things to be different. In such cases, we help them to take charge of their life, grow their confidence, become people-magnets, improve their lifestyle and follow their dreams, through utilizing coaching techniques.

"Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. Because how you treat yourself sets the standard for how others treat you." - Steve Maraboli

We offer teen counselling, coaching, and career assessments as they are the key to any future that the teenagers desire, where they can live with self-assurance, love, success, health, and prosperity. We conduct workshops for building confidence, promoting self-worth and self-esteem, developing strong self- identities, making them job-ready, equipped with communication and persuasion skills and inculcating emotional intelligence.

We have curated Emotional Intelligence workshops for Teenagers, have a look at them.

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

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