Yaan Solutions | Best counseling in India, Best coaching services, Counseling Solutions, Emotional Inteligence, Emotional Intelligence counseling
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The human brain is an intricate structure composed of actions, thoughts, and feelings. It is influenced by age, race, culture, biology, situations and upbringing. It provides us with an opportunity to grow, develop, and blossom into unique individuals. Hence, taking this into account, we have designed our services such as counselling, coaching, and self-development workshops.

We also recognize that the needs of understanding self and others are different for different age groups. Thus, we provide services to various age groups: 0-3yr olds, 3-6yr olds, teenagers, senior citizens, mid-professionals and corporates. Emotional Intelligence is the most researched area in the last 4 decades and is proven to be responsible for 80% of your success. As a result, we have designed detailed workshops and trainings on Emotional Intelligence for all age groups. Our scientifically developed psychometric assessments help one decide the ideal career path based on their aptitude, personality, in-born talent and interests. We are always improving and developing unique services and workshops, keeping you in mind. To know more please visit our services section.

Our Services

There is heavy dependency on parenting for the brain to develop in the age of 0-6. Growing up from here, some other approaches are required to build life skills. Again as we grow we need to develop ourselves in other social skills. With this in mind we have designed our programs and services for different categories. We have specially curated programs for each of the categories


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Understanding your requirements and objectives is important to us. We listen and work
together to create a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
why choose us
We at Yaan Solutions believe in humanity and trust that every human being deserves a chance to be his/her best version. The team is highly qualified and has acquired international certifications and more importantly enjoy their job. We bring the best of counseling, coaching, trainings and assessments and a dedication to make a difference to lives. You can visit the team section to check the details of the Teams qualifications and the Testimonial section to see what our clients think of us

Our Team

Proper guidance, Effective nurturing, Correct direction and Formal counselling can shape students lives.Students are the most valuable resource and all of the future

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Typically, counseling is best suited for addressing problems such as emotional distress, relationship issues, and trauma recovery. Its primary focus is on healing and recovery, providing the tools and support needed to overcome difficult experiences. In contrast, coaching is geared towards individuals who have a vision for their future and want to improve their quality of life. Whether you're feeling stuck in your personal or professional life, coaching can help you set achievable goals and take actionable steps towards success. It's worth noting that everyone experiences different phases in life, and there may be times when counseling is the best choice and other times when coaching is more appropriate. understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.

Emotional intelligence, also referred to as emotional quotient or EQ, encompasses the ability to effectively understand, utilize, and regulate one's own emotions in a positive manner. This skillset can be used to alleviate stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and diffuse conflicts. Possessing emotional intelligence can aid in building stronger relationships, achieving personal and professional goals, and succeeding in academic and workplace environments. Additionally, emotional intelligence can help individuals connect with their emotions, turn aspirations into action, and make informed decisions regarding their priorities.
Psychometric career assessment tests are a powerful tool for identifying an individual's strengths and finding the best career path. This test is commonly used by students, graduates, and professionals to make informed career decisions and understand their personality, interests, and aptitudes. For those who are confused about their career path, a psychometric career assessment test can be highly beneficial. It helps individuals understand their skills and talents and guides them towards the right direction. At Yaan we offer the reliable, scientifically developed and tested career assessments and our counselors are highly qualified with a passion to help individuals. The tests and counseling sessions are all online and you can take these services from anywhere in the world.
First, understand that the field of psychology is incredibly broad and diverse. There are many areas of specialization; a forensic psychologist, for instance, performs very different tasks than, say, a clinical psychologist. In general, psychologists seek to understand the human mind and its manifestations in terms of behavior, emotions, relationships, etc.
With the Rapid Socio-economic changes, senior citizens are facing a lot of challenges. They need to cope up with changing life styles, changing careers of their children and grandchildren and their needs. Many of them stay alone and need to be connected with their relatives through technology. Also, at this stage they experience a lot of emotional turbulance and they need help with regulating it. We at Yaan Solutions offer very unique Emotional Intelligence workshop for Senior citizens. This helps them to understand themselves, their own needs and take actions that will help them to manage their emotions. We offer 1:1 Counseling services as well to this group. Supporting them with short mobile and computing skills trainings is an endeavour to help them navigate life easily in this changing world. It will equip them to use the acquired skills for their daily necessities such as; getting emergency services, connecting on video calls, attending workshops, banking, deliveries and shopping.

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Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric Assessments combination of scientifically validated assessments to create a personalized profile of your skills and potential.

Overcoming Non-belonging feelings

Recently in coaching session with a young client, found that her limiting beliefs of coming from a small town, not belonging to the upscale institute was affecting her studies and performance.

“What If” & “Maybe” - The 2 Magic Words

Have you ever dismissed an idea because it seemed wrong at first glance? We all have. But What if our initial judgment is clouded by bias or limited information?

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